September 2, 2016
Chers parents,
Bonjour et bienvenue à
la maternelle! Welcome to kindergarten! This is an exciting time for
kindergarten students and their families. I look forward to getting to know you
and your children better. Let me introduce myself.
My name is Jennifer Wallace. I first came to École Victoria at the beginning
of January 2009; I previously taught French Immersion Kindergarten, arts
education, and grades 7/8 at École Rivers Heights School from 2000-2007. I am
very pleased to be working in this community and I have two children who are
also attending here.
We have wonderful
staff and students at École Victoria and I am glad that I am a part of this
I am excited about starting
this year.
I hope you will find the following information about classroom procedures
BELONGINGS: Please label all your child's belongings that come to
school including sweaters, hats, mitts, jackets, knapsacks and especially
runners and boots.
Please send shoes
that have
velcro rather than lace-ups.
This makes getting in and out for recess much
Please send a set of extra
clothes: shirt, pants, underwear and socks labeled in a bag to be left in your
child’s locker.
*A couple of items were
omitted from our supply list in the welcome booklet: a box of 24 crayons and a
box of tissues/Kleenex. Please forgive
the oversight.
are dropping off or picking up your child, please use the front entrance. If
you arrive early for the start of class the expectation is for students to wait
outside on the supervised playground until the bell has gone.
I cannot supervise your child before school
hours as I have to prepare for the day.
If your child takes the bus, please remember to contact your child's bus
driver if he or she does not need transportation on a certain day. We will be
sure that all bus students are safely on the bus at the end of the kindergarten
Please let me know in a note as
well if there are changes.
ABSENCES: If your child will not be attending school or if there is
any change in the normal routine, please call the school to let us know.
BIRTHDAYS: If your child is having a birthday and you wish to send a
snack for the class, please let me know in advance. Children with summer
birthdays may wish to celebrate their "half birthday" (i.e. July
16th= January 16th). Please send a note in advance so that time can be set
aside on that day.
*It is very important to let me know if your child has
allergies so that others parents and teachers can be made aware of this. Please
do not send snacks or treats containing nuts or nut products.*
SNACKS: Your child should bring a small nutritious snack to school.
Some suggestions include apple slices (half is usually plenty) or other fruit,
a piece of cheese, crackers, carrot sticks, raisins, an oatmeal cookie, granola
bar or a small muffin. For drinks, please send water bottles.
If you wish to send juice, please use a
reusable Rubbermaid drink box or other similar spill-proof drink box.
COMMUNICATION: Your child’s two-pocket folder or “dossier” which will
be used as the primary method of communication between home and school.
A plastic pocket folder often works
best for this as it lasts longer but a regular folder is fine. Please check
your child's dossier each day and remove everything from the pocket. For
example, a t-shirt letter will be sent home with this letter to indicate your
child's upcoming special day. If you wish to return forms or send a note/letter
for our attention, please place them in the pocket. Please return the dossier
to your child's backpack each day. I can also be contacted by e-mail: I also have a classroom blog:
At the beginning of each month your child will receive a class calendar and
newsletter. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school
(306-683-7470). If I am not available at the time of your call, you can email
me at the address above. Good communication from home and school is an
essential part of any successful classroom!
PARENT VOLUNTEERS: I always welcome parent involvement. Volunteers
are especially needed on out of school excursions.
complete a police record check; forms are available at the front office.
I will inform parents as soon as possible of
If you have a project, cultural
experience, a special talent or a story, please feel free to come and share
that with our kindergarten class.
I am
also looking for a parent to act as room parent for our Home and School
Association. Please let me know if you are interested in this position.
LITERACY FOR LIFE: We have received extensive training for our
Literacy for Life initiative. This includes a program called
(Picture Word Inductive Model) or MIMI (Méthode Inductive de Mots Illustrés).
MIMI and phonics strategies are integrated into our program in learning the
alphabet and learning to read. In addition to
MIMI, I encourage students to read at home, (or be read to) on a
daily basis. In kindergarten, a child reads a book in his or her own way (by
memory, inventive storytelling, along with pictures.) I encourage parents to
try reading with your child for 20 minutes at home each day.
THE TEACHER NIGHT: Wednesday September 14th *is our —Welcome Back—Meet the Staff Evening. I am truly looking forward to greeting you on
this evening. Please have your son or
daughter introduce you if they haven’t already done so!
THIS MONTH the two themes we will focus
on are: C’est moi! (All About Me) and Les couleurs (Colours). On the calendar is your child’s special
day—on which he or she can bring a baby photo.
For the colour days children can wear the designated colour on that
day. Thank you and I look forward to the
days ahead! We are looking forward to seeing all our kindergarten students again on September the 9th. Bonne Rentrée!
Votre enseignante de la maternelle, Mme Jennifer Wallace