Thursday, 27 February 2014

Les nouvelles de mars --March news

Chers Parents,
What’s new in March? We are excited about our new theme and new focus. Thank you so much for your support during our winter focus. I hope that everyone had an enjoyable break. We have a brand new poster photo for MIMI that we just entitled: Le supermarché that was taken at our local Extra Foods. We will begin a unit on food and nutrition. We will learn a lot of useful vocabulary related to foods and the 4 food groups from Canada’s Food Guide. We also plan on some very exciting “Food” related activities during the month. If you can send some magazine cut outs of food or flyers that would be great. Please note the following dates on your calendar:
Tuesday, March 4th: Fruit Salad - Each child is asked to bring a specific fruit to help in the creation of our culinary masterpiece.
Tuesday, March 11th Vegetable Soup – Each child is asked to bring a specific vegetable to help in the creation of another delicious culinary masterpiece.
Friday March 14th No school PD/planning
Monday, March 17th St. Patrick’s Day! Le jour de Saint Patrice! Everyone is welcome to wear vert (green)
Wednesday March 19th: we will be going on a walking tour of Extra Foods on Broadway (please let me know if you can join us—I will need two parents)
Monday, March 24th your child’s first report card
Wednesday, March 26th: 4 Food Group Day - We will try to have foods from all 4 food groups for our special snack that day.
Thursday March 27th evening conferences

We are also hoping to have a pretend restaurant experience with our care-partner class at the end of the month where we will order food. We will create a place mat with our favourite meal. We will also be doing still-life paintings of fruit. And we will bake bannock. •

Please note these items missed in the package that went home today:
*Missing on our calendar are the last three days of March!
*I will send home the list for four food group day at a later date
*I sent home the wrong sharing page for the children's special day--the one I wanted to send explained that "un mets/repas préféré" is a favourite meal.  I told the children this but I wanted to make sure that this was understood.
*Please cross-out the word "congé" on the 18th of the March calendar.

MERCI!  Thank you also for the wonderful participation with the homework.  Bravo mes amis!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Rose--Anti Bullying Pink Day

I forgot to remind the students that it is Pink Day tomorrow. It was in the school newsletter but not in our class calendar or letter. Please pass this on to those who may not check the blog. Thanks!

Monday, 24 February 2014

Les devoirs~homework!

Going home today is a homework booklet: “devoirs.” Your child will sing a song for a letter in the alphabet. On the other side of the homework sheet your child will trace out the letter and, if he or she chooses, can read out the words. Please sign the sheet and have your child print his or her name. When the sheet is returned the next day your child will receive a sticker and a new sheet. Thank you for your participation. It is my hope that you and your child can share in what we are doing in class and that this will be a little preparation for grade one (without being onerous.) We will not be doing the letters in order. Today's letter is "Ff". *Please note that often the songs are nonsense silly songs. Although they do not always make perfect sense they help the children learn the words and the sounds the letters make. La fleur les feuilles du fromage les fruits le français

Thursday, 13 February 2014

100 jours!

Bravo et Felicitations a la maternelle! We did it. We made it to 100 days. Leading up to our celebration we made some wonderful 100 lunettes that we wore for our celebration. We also imagined "Si j'avais cent dollars...." and decided what we would do if we had 100 dollars. We also worked hard on getting in shape. At about day 70 we started doing exercises to the day count. We celebrated doing 100 exercises yesterday--ending with ten push ups. Superbe! We shared our 100 days projects which were very creative and fun. They are on display in the glass case leading into the LRC. We also put our 100 days snacks into a big bowl to share. Before we put them in the bowl we did some mesuring, predicting and comparing. What a clever group of students. They made very good predictions, comparisons and deductions. Did you know that: 100 popcorn twists weigh the same as 100 pieces of popcorn; they both = 20g 100 teddy graham crackers weigh 100g 100 small fruit twists (hard jujubes) weigh 200g 100 chocolate covered raisins weigh 300 g 100 raisins weigh 50 g We also figured out how to figure out the weight of something by weighing the container with the twists, than weighing it without and then finding out the difference. If was great fun. We ended the day with our care partners helping us group 100 fruit loops into groups of ten and then stringing them onto a necklace for our students to wear home. What a day! Quelle journee! Thank you for your part in making it great.

Monday, 10 February 2014

100 ieme jour s'en vient! --100th day is coming!

Lundi le 10 février Chers parents, On Wednesday, mercredi le 12 février, we will be celebrating 100 schools days that the kindergarten students have had. You are welcome to send a 100 days project that your child completed that I will put in the display case in the LRC. You are also welcome to send a fun 100 snack in a Ziploc bag. We will dump the bags into a large bowl to share. For example: 100 cheerios or 100 small marshmallows or 100 chocolate chips or 100 pretzels…. Please do not send any nuts. Do not worry if you are enable to send something. I will bring some extra bags for the children as well. It is for our fun celebration—notre fête de 100 jours. We will be sending out Valentine cards in our community with our care partners on Friday. We made buckets today for the Valentine cards the children will be receiving Friday. Merci! Mme Wallace

Monday, 3 February 2014

February newsletter--C'est fevrier!

Chers parents, Thank you so much for attending Notre assemblée d’hiver! Our winter assembly wouldn’t have been the same without such a wonderful audience. Thank you also for sending in the photos to help make it special. The kids had great fun and I am so proud of the work they did; they were also proud. Going home today is our class calendar. Please check for your child’s special day. I am also sending home a sheet asking about your child’s favourite activity with his or her best friend: “Mon activité préférée avec mon meilleur ami.” We will be wrapping up our focus on winter and we will be celebrating 100 days of school. We will also be talking about friendship. Soon we will begin our new poster on food and nutrition. We will continue to work on reading skills. The children will be continue to take home classroom books that will be available to read along with characters on the blog. We will also have homework booklets soon that will focus on the alphabet and sounds the letters make. Stay tuned! Merci! Mme Jennifer Wallace