Wednesday, 25 February 2015

New homework!

Chers parents,

We have been having a great week!  The 100 days celebration was wonderful.  Thank you for the great participation for the 100 days project.  We also made some necklaces out of 100 fruit loops by counting in tens with our care partners.  We did 100 exercises.  We did some estimating in comparing what snack in a baggie would weigh the most.  We also imagined what we would do with 100 dollars.  The kids came up with some fun ideas.  We will be moving into a new unit on nutrition and food soon.  Please keep posted with your notes and the blog.  We will be making and tasting some great foods together.

  I will also be sending home alphabet songbooks.  Your child will be singing the song of the day to you and will then work on that letter at home and colour the new words.  Each day the booklets need to come back to school.  We will also start home reading books that will go home next week.


Mme Wallace    

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Important dates!

Chers parents,

Tomorrow is beach day!  Even though it is cold outside we can imagine we are somewhere warm!  Students may come with beach wear (no bathings suits please): sun hats, sunglasses….under their winter gear. 

Friday is our concert at 9am.  Please be on time!  We will be performing on risers in the gym so it is important that all students arrive on time so that we can be ready.  We are looking forward to the performance very much. 

We will be handing out Valentine cards after the performance before snack time.  We will not be taking out any cards before the performance.  There will be plenty of excitement that day.


The first day back from the break, Monday February 23rd we will be celebrating 100 days of school.  Please send your child’s 100 day project as well as a 100 days snack in a baggie (cheerios, pretzels, smarties…) –no nuts please.  We will be sharing a 100 day snack.


We hope that you will be able to attend our assembly!  Have a great break!

Mme Wallace


Monday, 2 February 2015

A celebration

To celebrate our reaching 10 snowflakes in our bucket (we have been working on a classroom reward) children may bring a board game to play in class tomorrow February 3rd.  We will have some fun time set aside for this.  There will be enough games that if you are unable to send one that is ok.  Please ensure that your game is well labeled with your child or family name written on the box/container.
Thank you

Today's homework that will be picked up Wednesday:
Page 18: Cut and glue the bowling pins in alphabetical order.  Colour the picture to finish.

Page 19:Colour, cut, glue and see the completed fire truck.  BRAVO!  You have finished your first homework booklet!
If you need to check back on previous assignments here is the list:
Page 1 : Follow the arrow and trace with the dotted lines.  Feel free to colour in the pictures.
Page 2: Complete the dot to dot picture using the alphabetic order.

Page 3: Complete the alphabet—Fill in the missing letters.  Please use upper case letters on this page.
Page 4: Only colour the images that go with the first image in a column.  If your child would like, he or she can draw an “X” on the images that are not relevant to the first image.

Page 5 Draw the dot-to- dot picture numbering 1-12.

Page 6 Circle the number that corresponds with the picture above.  Students can colour in the images if they choose.  (Please use crayons or pencil crayons other than markers that bleed through the page.)

Page 7: Draw a line to match the numbers that are the same.

Page 8: Circle the numbers that are the same as the first number.

Page 9: Circle the letters that are the same as the first letter in the box.
Page 10: Drawn lines to join the upper case letters with their matching lower case letters.

Page 11: Draw a picture of yourself in the middle and colour, cut out and glue the circus around you in the right places.
Page 12:  Cut out and colour and glue M. Loyal together in the right way to help him prepare for the show.

Page 13: Print the lower case letter that is missing in the rectangle below. 
Page 14: Print the number that is missing on the line below.

Page 15:  Colour only the pictures that amount to the number in the column.
Page 16 :  Colour and cut out and glue the images and put them in the proper place and in sequence .

Page 17: Colour, Cut out and glue each image in the right correct place.