Chers parents,
We have been having a great week! The 100 days celebration was wonderful. Thank you for the great participation for the
100 days project. We also made some
necklaces out of 100 fruit loops by counting in tens with our care
partners. We did 100 exercises. We did some estimating in comparing what
snack in a baggie would weigh the most.
We also imagined what we would do with 100 dollars. The kids came up with some fun ideas. We will be moving into a new unit on
nutrition and food soon. Please keep
posted with your notes and the blog. We
will be making and tasting some great foods together.
I will also be
sending home alphabet songbooks. Your
child will be singing the song of the day to you and will then work on that
letter at home and colour the new words.
Each day the booklets need to come back to school. We will also start home reading books that
will go home next week.
Mme Wallace