Friday, 27 March 2015

April Newsletter

Joyeux avril!  Time has been going quickly and we are into a new season: le printemps.  We will continue our unit on food, la nourriture but we will also add a focus of spring.  For your child’s special day he or she can do a picture or bring something that represents spring or a favourite spring activity.  I mentioned at interviews that we will also have some special days in which parents will be invited.

May 8th our class will be hosting a Mother’s Day Tea at 9:00 am in the school LRC.  If a parent is unable to attend please send someone to be there for your child.  I have had grandmas, dads and aunties… attend!  It is a very special occasion and the children are always very proud to share with you.

In June we will have a Dads' day.  This will be from 8:50am -10:30 am in the GYM.  The date will be announced.  (It will be mid to late June when the school is booked to go to the swimming pool.)  I will let you know as soon as possible.  Again if a parent is unable to attend please have someone come to participate with your child.  This will be an active time which will involve running and lots of movement; please dress for being active.  Dates for field trips will also be announced as soon as possible.

We are enjoying our food unit very much.  Thank you for the great participation in the fruit salad, the veggie soup and the sharing snack.  We will be making a few more items as a class where supplies will be provided already.  We also enjoyed our restaurant simulation with our care partner class.

 I hope everyone is enjoying the home reading books.  Click the home reading link on the blog from March 12th to get to the links for the books.

Joyeux Printemps!

Mme Wallace

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Les livres chez nous ~Home reading books

The students will be taking home books in their dossiers on today. They will be due back--every Thursday--the same day as library exchange day. Each book has a number and a title. You can check the book number and title with the subsequent blog posts and read along. We have two books per blog post. (Please note the timing on the books are 1 minute in length so it goes by quickly. It is okay to pause or re-visit the same recording.) This is an opportunity to read-along in French and hear and see the correct pronunciation. We will also be discussing, asking questions and pre-viewing some of the books in class. I hope that you and your child enjoy! Below are links to the audio for following along with the home reading books. If you click on the links it will direct you to the books. The characters require Flash player to be able to play them. I do not believe they can be viewed on iPods or iPhones. (I am not sure about tablets.)
#1 Les couleurs #2 Dans la salle de classe
#4 Le corps #5 Les nombres 0-10
#6 Les formes #7Les vêtements 1
#9 Les jours et les saisons 10 La nourriture
#11 Les vêtements 2 #12 Ma famille
#13 Les animaux domestiques #14 La ferme
#15 Le zoo  #20 Les nombres 10-20
#23 Les actions #24Bonjour!
#26 Les bonnes manières  #27 L’alphabet
#28 Les sentiments  #30 La maison
#31 Le chaton  #32 Le cheval

#33Le chien
#34 L’escargot #35 L’hibou
#36 Le lapin  #37 Le moustique
#38 Le perroquet #40 Le serpent

Les livres GB+# 01 Le crayon   #02 Une maison #03 Je remplis mon sac #04 Les chaussures de Camille
GB+ #05 Papa #06  Attention! #07 Mon accident # 08 La pêche
Livres GB+ #09 La crème glacée #10 Où sont les oeufs? #11 Zoe et Banjo #12 Voici petit Chimpanzée


Monday, 9 March 2015

Reminder: La soupe aux legumes!

Please remember, tomorrow we are making vegetable soup.   Please send your child with his/her vegetables pre-cut. We will be enjoying our soup as snack but they are welcome to bring a little snack in addition to this.  MERCI!

We will also be going to Extra Foods on Wednesday.  We are looking forward to this as well.  Thank you to Athena and Crystal for volunteering to join us.

Mme J. Wallace