Friday, 18 December 2015

Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee!

Chers parents,
I wanted to say Merci! to you all for the lovely gifts and cards.  It was very kind, thoughtful and heartwarming.  One thing I love about teaching kindergarten is all the hugs I get--so grateful for that especially today!  May you all enjoy a peaceful and fun break with family and friends.  I look forward to seeing you in 2016!
Meilleurs voeux pour les vacances!

Mme Jennifer Wallace

Monday, 14 December 2015

Newsletter December 14th

Chers parents,

We will be celebrating the holidays and another full bucket with our cali-partenaires Wednesday December 16th 2015.  Children are welcome to bring favourite board or card games to school.  Please ensure that the games are well-labeled.  We have much to celebrate!  The students performed a song on Friday for Mme Wettlaufer and she was quite moved.  We have been filling our class bucket ~notre seau~ with kind acts and speaking French.  We had two great field trips recently to the Saskatchewan Craft Council and to the Western Development Museum.  We had great experiences on both trips.  Thank you to Dawn and Robina for volunteering!

There will be a Winter Festival at the school Wednesday evening if you are able to attend.  Our class will not be performing anything before Christmas Holidays but near the end of January or beginning of February we will be doing a winter assembly.  Stay tuned for the date of that performance!


Thank you for all the support and I wish you all a good and restful break in the days to come and much peace and joy in the new year!


Mme Jennifer Wallace