Wednesday, 25 September 2013

J'aime l'école!

The booklets the students made went home today.  Each page is about your child.  They were proud of their books and were eager to read them during reading time.  We are also excited to have a First Nations traditional knowledge keeper coming tomorrow to speak to us about PowWows.  Thank you to Mme McCrea for arranging this visit!  We are looking forward to the PowWow.  If you are in the hall you will also notice the work the children did on their drawings of themselves (with their hands and feet traced).  I did a short interview with them to ask them what they liked and added that to the drawing.  Some had quite the list!  We have begun adding words to our MIMI poster.  Our title: "Notre classe" was decided upon after a vote.   We focused on the words: "les chaussures" today.
Stay posted for pictures and words coming home soon.

1 comment:

  1. We had fun looking through Liam's book with him. He was proud. Merci!
