Thursday, 30 October 2014

November Newsletter

Chers parents,
(My apologies for not getting out a paper copy today.  The photocopier stopped working after the calendars were printed.)

We are looking forward to a fun and safe Halloween.  Students can come in their Halloween costumes on Friday.  We will have un défilé--a parade in the school.  We will enjoy some Halloween songs and a little treat.  We have been studying a little about ourselves and did a, “Des os, il en faut!” “We need bones!” song.  We made some pasta skeletons that will be going home today.  I am sending a toothbrush and note from Saskatoon Health region as well, to remind kids to take care of those bones after Halloween treats!   Today is library exchange day so new library books will be going home in your child’s back pack.  Please remember Thursdays is our day to exchange.  The students enjoy getting new books.

We have also been working on our poster Notre classe.  Our next poster will be a Pow Wow poster.  We will be learning and sharing about Canada and the cultures that make up our country.  For your child’s sharing day your child can either bring something that is a souvenir or photo of a trip in Canada or something from your child’s heritage or cultural background.  We are looking forward to all the learning we will do on this.  Wednesday, November 5th there will be an international/ multi-cultural

 potluck for supper at the school.

We have done some Early Years Evaluation assessments and will continue to finish those.  We are also concentrating on alphabet recognition.  A link on the blog called Literacy Center is a great resource for learning the alphabet in French.

We will be going to the WDM for a program entitled “Noel d’autrefois” “A Christmas Long Ago” on November 14th.  We are needing 4 parent volunteers.  Please let me know if you are able to join us. 


Thank you for your support and looking forward to November!  Please check the calendar!


Mme Jennifer Wallace

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