Saturday, 31 January 2015


Chers parents,

Wow January is done and we are starting a new month!  We are excited to present our kindergarten winter concert on February the 13th If you can arrange to come see the performance it will be at 9:00am in the gym.  We have been practicing and we are looking forward to it very much. 
On your child's special day he or she can bring something that demonstrates friendship or reminds your child of a close friend.  I will be sending home a list of the children's first names for Valentine's day.  We have 23 students in our class.

On Monday, lundi le 23 février, we will be celebrating 100 schools days that the kindergarten students have had. (They will have completed 100 days on February 13th but because of our assembly we will celebrate the first day back from break).  On this day your child can bring a 100 days project that your child can complete at home.  I will put in the display case in the LRC.  If it is too large a photo can be taken and brought to school.  You and your child can think of something that can be brought to school and put on display that contains 100 of something.  For example a child can do a collage of 100 stickers, a shirt with 100 buttons glue or sewn on, a 100 popsicle sticks project, a rainbow loom project, a ribbons project, seashells from a trip…the possibilities are endless. 

You are also welcome to send a fun 100 snack in a Ziploc bag.  We will dump the bags into a large bowl to share.  For example: 100 cheerios or 100 small marshmallows or 100 chocolate chips or 100 pretzels….  Please do not send any nuts.  Do not worry if you are enable to send something.  I will bring some extra bags for the children as well.  It is for our fun celebration—notre fête de 100 jours.

Great job on the homework.  We will take a short break after this week when page 18 and 19 are done so your child can plan and  prepare the 100 days project.  We will recommence after the break with a new booklet.

Our Early Skills program is going great and we will soon celebrate with a classroom reward for showing good listening skills.  BRAVO!



Mme Wallace

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Out of time!

Mme Wallace did not get the homework booklets out today so I will be handing them back tomorrow.  Your child should be done up to page 14.  I will post the homework assignments here if your child needs to catch up.

Page 1 : Follow the arrow and trace with the dotted lines.  Feel free to colour in the pictures.
Page 2: Complete the dot to dot picture using the alphabetic order.

Page 3: Complete the alphabet—Fill in the missing letters.  Please use upper case letters on this page.
Page 4: Only colour the images that go with the first image in a column.  If your child would like, he or she can draw an “X” on the images that are not relevant to the first image.

Page 5 Draw the dot-to- dot picture numbering 1-12.

Page 6 Circle the number that corresponds with the picture above.  Students can colour in the images if they choose.  (Please use crayons or pencil crayons other than markers that bleed through the page.)

Page 7: Draw a line to match the numbers that are the same.

Page 8: Circle the numbers that are the same as the first number.

Page 9: Circle the letters that are the same as the first letter in the box.
Page 10: Drawn lines to join the upper case letters with their matching lower case letters.

Page 11: Draw a picture of yourself in the middle and colour, cut out and glue the circus around you in the right places.
Page 12:  Cut out and colour and glue M. Loyal together in the right way to help him prepare for the show.

Page 13: Print the lower case letter that is missing in the rectangle below. 
Page 14: Print the number that is missing on the line below.


Page 15:  Colour only the pictures that amount to the number in the column.

Page 16 :  Colour and cut out and glue the images and put them in the proper place and in sequence .


Friday, 23 January 2015

Reading assignment

Bonne fin de semaine!
In addition to pages 9-10 for homework today your child will bring home a booklet entitled:
 Le bonhomme de neige.  Your child will read this to you as well. 

I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful warm winter weather!

Mme Wallace

Page 9: Circle the letters that are the same as the first letter in the box.

Page 10: Drawn lines to join the upper case letters with their matching lower case letters.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

February Winter Assembly!

Please write this in your calendars: Friday, February 13th at 9:00am we will be doing a Kindergarten Winter Assembly with Mme McCrea's class in the gym.  We will be singing songs that we have worked very hard on.  The program is approximately a half hour.  This is a chance to see your child in action. The students have been working very diligently and enthusiastically learning these songs.

Mondays Wednesdays Fridays Homework Days

Old homework is due and new homework assigned Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Here is Wednesday's homework this week:

Page 7: Draw a line to match the numbers that are the same.

Page 8: Circle the numbers that are the same as the first number.

Here is Friday's homework this week:

Page 9: Circle the letters that are the same as the first letter in the box.

Page 10: Drawn lines to join the upper case letters with their matching lower case letters.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Homework! Les devoirs!

Le 16 janvier 2015

Homework!  Les devoirs!  There has been much enthusiasm about the homework going home.  Bravo!  I want to encourage you all to keep up the good work.  Please do not work ahead as instructions are important.  I will only mark the ones to be completed for that day.  Homework will be assigned and due back on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; you will always have a couple of days to complete.  If you want more homework (some have been very eager) please send a note in the dossier and I can send home your alphabet booklet. 

If you lose the home work slip I will post it along with this note on our blog:

We have been working hard on our skills and I am proud of the work the class is doing in this area.  As a class we will work towards ten points based on how we listen, respond to requests and follow directions at our tables and in the coin d’amis.  We will decide as a class what the reward will be.

 Bonne fin de semaine!

Mme Wallace
Mes devoirs/ My homework:
Page 3: Complete the alphabet—Fill in the missing letters.  Please use upper case letters on this page.
Page 4: Only colour the images that go with the first image in a column.  If your child would like, he or she can draw an “X” on the images that are not relevant to the first image.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Mercredi le 14 janvier 2015 newsletter


Chers parents,

We are in the full swing of things being back at school.  Hopefully we can enjoy the great winter weather we are starting to have as well.  Our theme this month is “L’hiver” winter.  We have begun a new poster and are doing a lot of vocabulary for this focus.  Please remember to send something that represents a winter activity for your child’s special day.  Today is our first day of homework as well.  I will send home the homework on a small piece of paper with the booklet.  Please do not work ahead.  Finished homework will get checkmarks and stickers.  Today I will send home instructions for pages 1 and 2.  Please have your child complete and return it for Friday.  New homework will be assigned on Monday. 

Tomorrow January 15th is a spirit day—les pyjamas!  Students and staff are welcome to come to school in pjs.  Please ensure that snow pants are still coming to school with your child as the students will still be going outside for recess.  It is also library exchange day.

We have also begun a program called Early Skills Development Program.  A coordinator has been in the classroom this week observing and assessing our needs so that we can begin and continue working on six specific skills:  


Responding to a request

Following Directions

Self control

Ignoring Distractions

Accepting Consequences

There will be a small pull-out group and well as large group lessons.  It is a great learning opportunity and will help our class be more effective.

Check the blog for homework assignments.  I will also be starting to send home reading books soon.

The winter assembly that we are preparing for will take place in February (I am hoping just before the February break but I need to confirm that) as we are currently doing a lot of alphabet assessment.


Mme Jennifer Wallace 
Mes devoirs/ My homework instructions for Friday in Cahier de pre-apprentissage:
Page 1 : Follow the arrow and trace with the dotted lines.  Feel free to colour in the pictures.
Page 2: Complete the dot to dot picture using the alphabetic order.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Bonne année!

Le lundi 5 janvier 2015

Chers parents,

Welcome back and Happy New Year!  Bonne année!  We are looking forward to a new theme in our classroom with a focus on winter and winter activities. We will be doing a kindergarten winter assembly nearing the end of January or beginning of February.  I will let you know the date as soon as it is confirmed.  On your child’s special day indicated on the calendar I would ask that your child brings a photo, drawing, or something that represents a winter activity that he or she likes to do.    We will be also starting homework soon.  While it is not mandatory there will be stickers when work is completed.  Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather; it is certainly is colder!  On Thursdays we have book exchange—please remember to send books back that day.  Also on Thursdays we have music and art with Mme Ward for the first 50 minutes.  This means that if your child is late that day you need to check in with the office and find out where the class is and take your child to that location.  Thanks so much for your help with this!  We had a great start today and look forward to a wonderful 2015 with this group!