Saturday, 31 January 2015


Chers parents,

Wow January is done and we are starting a new month!  We are excited to present our kindergarten winter concert on February the 13th If you can arrange to come see the performance it will be at 9:00am in the gym.  We have been practicing and we are looking forward to it very much. 
On your child's special day he or she can bring something that demonstrates friendship or reminds your child of a close friend.  I will be sending home a list of the children's first names for Valentine's day.  We have 23 students in our class.

On Monday, lundi le 23 février, we will be celebrating 100 schools days that the kindergarten students have had. (They will have completed 100 days on February 13th but because of our assembly we will celebrate the first day back from break).  On this day your child can bring a 100 days project that your child can complete at home.  I will put in the display case in the LRC.  If it is too large a photo can be taken and brought to school.  You and your child can think of something that can be brought to school and put on display that contains 100 of something.  For example a child can do a collage of 100 stickers, a shirt with 100 buttons glue or sewn on, a 100 popsicle sticks project, a rainbow loom project, a ribbons project, seashells from a trip…the possibilities are endless. 

You are also welcome to send a fun 100 snack in a Ziploc bag.  We will dump the bags into a large bowl to share.  For example: 100 cheerios or 100 small marshmallows or 100 chocolate chips or 100 pretzels….  Please do not send any nuts.  Do not worry if you are enable to send something.  I will bring some extra bags for the children as well.  It is for our fun celebration—notre fête de 100 jours.

Great job on the homework.  We will take a short break after this week when page 18 and 19 are done so your child can plan and  prepare the 100 days project.  We will recommence after the break with a new booklet.

Our Early Skills program is going great and we will soon celebrate with a classroom reward for showing good listening skills.  BRAVO!



Mme Wallace

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