Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Beach day, experiments and more...

Salut!  Tomorrow is beach day.  Students can dress (under their winter gear) in clothes for the beach--no swimsuits however please.  Sun hats, shorts, sundresses, t-shirts, sunglasses...  We will bring some sun to our school on a cold day.  Please ensure that your child still has appropriate clothing for recess.
In class we have been exploring and predicting doing experiments with water.  Our science experiments take place on Tuesdays.  We have completed our alphabet testing in French this past week and a lot of progress has been made--Bravo!  We are also learning new alphabet songs for each letter and the sounds each one makes. In math we have been learning about bigger than, smaller than and equal to (<, >, =).  We finished a booklet entitled Où sont mes mitaines? We will share them with our cali-partenaires during reading time today and the students will bring them home. We have been sharing about our favourite winter activities and have been learning some songs for our assembly.  I will get the date finalized and have that for you soon.  In February, on the Tuesday after the break, we will be celebrating 100 days of school.  If your child would like to do an 100 days project at home and bring it to present in February that would be great.  I will explain the project in the days to come.
Mme Jennifer Wallace 

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