Thursday, 31 October 2013

Le 31octobre, 2013
Chers parents,

C’est l’halloween, hé! We had a little parade in the school with Mme McCrea’s class. The children looked wonderful. Please remember to be safe trick-or- treating this evening. There is also a carnival at the school starting at 4pm. In the dossier there is a card if your child would like to also collect donations from the food bank while he or she goes trick-or-treating. We are completing our first MIMI poster. Keep reviewing and having fun with the words at home. Invite your child to teach you some new French words. I will also be sending home our first books for reading tomorrow. If you have not signed up for a time for activity conferences on Wednesday, Nov. 27th please send that in your child’s dossier, or you can call the school for a time. In November, we will also learn about Remembrance Day: Le jour de souvenir ~L’armistice. We will work on booklets that teach O’ Canada in French. If you have any old Canadian magazines or calendars that can be used to cut out pictures please send them along in your child’s dossier. The booklets will include your child’s drawings as well as collages. Check the calendar for your child’s special day. On your child's special day he or she may talk about a favourite place or family trip in Canada. Because we have fewer days in November and December some children will be sharing their special days. Thank you for your understanding. Pictures or objects of that special place in Canada on his or her special day are welcome. Merci! Mme J. Wallace

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