Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Oops! Pardon!

I looked at the calendar and noticed that it said that there will be a trip to the Pumpkin Patch.  I am sorry.  This was an error--I use old calendars and reconfigure them and I missed this one.  I hope that I have not caused any problems and disappointments!  My apologies.  I often tell the students not to be afraid to make mistakes and that Madame Wallace makes mistakes too--case in point.

Thank you to those who joined us on our walk to Pooh Corner.  We had a great time and had a wonderful walk back as well with a stop for a snack.  Please remember to keep Saskatoon Public Library books separate from our school library books which have a scan label: Saskatoon Public Schools.  It is easy to confuse them.  We continue to have school library time on Tuesdays.

Another thank you for the wonderful participation with the colour days.  Today was our arc-en-ciel day and the collages the children contributed to are quite lovely.


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