Friday, 12 September 2014

Great Week! Une semaine fantastique!

Le vendredi 12 septembre 2014

What a great week!  Thank you all for your support and thank you for our kindergarten class for a great start.  We have a wonderful group and all the students are adjusting well to the routines and expectations.   Today we talked about how we want our class to work and all suggestions pointed to kindness:  Sharing, playing together (being inclusive), talking kindly and politely and taking turns. What positive interactions to remember.  Thank you for the work you do at home around this!  We have some dates to remember and please check your child’s special day on the calendar as well.  Yesterday children brought home books from our school library.  Please keep these at home and bring them back on Thursdays for our book exchange days.  I will be sending home an application form for library cards.  Please fill out if your child does not have one.  Please discard if he or she has one and we will need to have those cards on the day of our walk.  Thank you!

Thursdays—library book exchange days at school

Thursday September 18th Hat day (school spirit day everyone is allowed and encouraged to wear a hat that day)

Friday September 26th walk to Oskayak for POW WOW

Monday September 29th walk to Pooh Corner at Frances Morrison Library

We will start colour days in October as there is a lot to work on for this month. A special thank you to Rana and Sherill who will be our room parents this year. 


Mme Wallace

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