Thursday, 25 September 2014

Newsletter for September 25th 2014

Le jeudi  25 septembre, 2014

Chers parents,

Yesterday I introduced the story of Terry Fox and I read from the book: Le courage de Terry Fox.  We practiced hopping on one leg and I told the students to stop and sit when they had to put a foot down or could no longer hop on that one same leg.  We didn’t last long!  Today we watched a short video on Terry Fox and we ran back and forth across the field for our run.  We had a great run.

Yesterday we did an autumn nature scavenger hunt in the school yard with our care partner class.  We had a great time together.  We then made collages that are on display in the case in the LRC.  Stop by to look if you are in the building.

Tomorrow Friday the 26th we will be going to Oskayak for a POW WOW.  We read a book entitled: Viens au pow-wow!  Next week we will have a presentation from a traditional knowledge keeper.  Thank you Tara, Heather, Rana and Dave our parent volunteers who will be walking with us to Oskayak.  We will be leaving at 9:50am.  The following Monday the 29th we are walking to Pooh Corner.  Thank you Tara, Sara, Vanessa and Kim for volunteering to accompany us.  On the 29th I ask that if your child already has a library card you send it in his or her dossier.  Those who have forms filled out will receive their book and card that day.  The children will be bringing home books from the library.  Please keep this SPL book separate from school library books and return by the due date on the bookmark.  Our library book exchange days are always on Thursday.  This will be posted in the new calendar.

We have begun our class poster entitled by the group: Notre classe.  We found words that we will be attaching to the poster and interacting with.  I will post a photo of this on the blog as well.   I will add a link for the poster for audio soon.  MERCI!

Today marks the 15th day of school! 

Votre amie et enseignante de la maternelle,

Mme Wallace

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